Benestelle Inspires

Benestelle Inspires is the Lord Jesus’ instruction showcasing inspiring conversations with God’s children who use their talents & gifts for His glory. Focusing on their turning point when they gave their life to Jesus Christ and became born-again, they share how their life changed since that decision.

The show brings Jesus Christ to the forefront of daily lives and activities through conversation, creating an intentional Christ consciousness. These conversations inspire believers to forge forward in faith as they hear stories of how the Lord intervenes divinely in the affairs of men on earth and transforms destinies. This also present a non-belligerent approach and opportunity to those who have never heard of the Lord Jesus, to make Him their personal Lord and Savior.

Benestelle, the host, gives a gentle and concise opportunity at the end of each episode for the viewers who are not born again to give their lives to Christ.

An avid and unapologetic follower of Jesus Christ, Benestelle hosts the show and co-owns it with her husband of 11 years. Benestelle Inspires airs on multiple international stations worldwide, including the highly acclaimed Caribbean Gospel TV (CGTV) spreading her wide reach to all the Caribbean islands. The show also airs on DominionTV (Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network) reaching millions in Africa and Kingdom Insight TV (KITV) reaching large audiences primarily in North America and other nations.